'Basketball Wives LA: Repetitive Much?

I’ve been watching Basketball wives for a few seasons now, trying to figure out what it is about the show I just can’t get into. I mean, something keeps me coming back, right? There’s plenty of drama and… well, drama. And it’s a perfect show to watch when you’re bored on a Saturday and avoiding getting outside for some fresh air and exercise. But even though I’ve managed to keep watching, I still find myself rolling my eyes and fast forwarding through parts, and I couldn’t figure out why, until now. I was watching a scene from Basketball Wives L.A, which is decidedly more boring than the original (I don’t know if it’s because they’re still finding their footing or what), but I was watching a scene with Jackie and Malaysia and I realized, that scene should’ve been cut in half.
You see, when we talk to our friends, we tend to repeat ourselves a lot, for validation or whatever reason, and we tend to talk around in circles. We also tend to use a lot of unnecessary words that don’t move the scene forward. When we watch scripted television, all of this fluff is cut out, and in other, more dramatic reality show, they’re cramming so much in that they probably cut out the repetition. But in reality shows such as Basketball Wives and Real Housewives, where-let’s be honest- not much is really happening outside of petty disagreements, there’s a lot of repeated material. Now, I’ve always been aware of the annoying habit they have on reality shows of showing us every conversation each person has about a conversation that already happened. Case in point- Malaysia surprised the group by inviting Jackie to a dinner at Gloria’s, hoping for olive branches to be extended. The reviews were overwhelmingly unfavorable, and the entire next episode featured several conversations among the girls, recapping the event and getting each other’s perspectives, which were all the same anyway. But I didn’t realize until now, how unnecessarily long each scene is. We get it. You didn’t mean to upset everyone. You’re sorry. You’re stressed about having a get together at your home with a bunch of women who hate you. All that could have been revealed in one minute. Come on editors. Get your ish together.
I wonder if this tediousness could be resolved by introducing a mutual project for these women. I know that’s not the reason the show was created, but I’ve been really impressed with All The Right Moves, a show that I believe is reality TV at its best, and I wonder if the show isn’t so interesting because they’re all working towards a common goal. So, you’re invested in their personal lives, but there’s no need to stir up and rehash drama, because the drama exists in their pursuit of this dance company they’re trying to start while still trying to drive their personal careers forward. So, what I’m really saying is these Basketball Wives need to open up a dance studio (joking). Look, I’m no expert on reality TV, but if I can inspire even one reality show to stop and re-examine their petty, repetitive ways, then I’ll feel that my work here is done. Tune in next week to see these women continue to figure out if they like Jackie or not. It’s gonna be a long season.
You see, when we talk to our friends, we tend to repeat ourselves a lot, for validation or whatever reason, and we tend to talk around in circles. We also tend to use a lot of unnecessary words that don’t move the scene forward. When we watch scripted television, all of this fluff is cut out, and in other, more dramatic reality show, they’re cramming so much in that they probably cut out the repetition. But in reality shows such as Basketball Wives and Real Housewives, where-let’s be honest- not much is really happening outside of petty disagreements, there’s a lot of repeated material. Now, I’ve always been aware of the annoying habit they have on reality shows of showing us every conversation each person has about a conversation that already happened. Case in point- Malaysia surprised the group by inviting Jackie to a dinner at Gloria’s, hoping for olive branches to be extended. The reviews were overwhelmingly unfavorable, and the entire next episode featured several conversations among the girls, recapping the event and getting each other’s perspectives, which were all the same anyway. But I didn’t realize until now, how unnecessarily long each scene is. We get it. You didn’t mean to upset everyone. You’re sorry. You’re stressed about having a get together at your home with a bunch of women who hate you. All that could have been revealed in one minute. Come on editors. Get your ish together.
I wonder if this tediousness could be resolved by introducing a mutual project for these women. I know that’s not the reason the show was created, but I’ve been really impressed with All The Right Moves, a show that I believe is reality TV at its best, and I wonder if the show isn’t so interesting because they’re all working towards a common goal. So, you’re invested in their personal lives, but there’s no need to stir up and rehash drama, because the drama exists in their pursuit of this dance company they’re trying to start while still trying to drive their personal careers forward. So, what I’m really saying is these Basketball Wives need to open up a dance studio (joking). Look, I’m no expert on reality TV, but if I can inspire even one reality show to stop and re-examine their petty, repetitive ways, then I’ll feel that my work here is done. Tune in next week to see these women continue to figure out if they like Jackie or not. It’s gonna be a long season.