5 Reasons to Get Out in the Sun Today
You're trapped in an office all day with the glare of fluorescent light, and all you want to do is go outside and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Well, you know what? That's just your body telling you what's best for you. I mean, the caveman didn't spend all day in an office, to borrow an argument from the paleo followers. Think of yourself like a flower. You need light to be vibrant best self. You're crying out for that ray of sunshine to grace your presence, to fill you up with energy and... oh, am I getting carried away? The bottom line is, any excuse to get outside and joy a few minutes of nature's lamp will do your body good. Here are a few reasons sunlight is good for you.
It Sets Your Circadian Rhythm Properly
That's right. The caveman didn't have an alarm clock, and I'm pretty sure the Quakers don't either... although they do have roosters, so ignore that last part. The point is if you're one of those people who has to drag your ass out of bed after pressing the snooze button several times, the answer to your problem could be as simple as getting some sunlight in the morning. Studies show that exposing yourself to natural light in the morning helps to set your internal clock, putting you on schedule so you can wake up fresh in the morning. Side effects: falling asleep during Dancing with the Stars.
It Could Keep You Thin, or Help You Lose Weight
Yep. Apparently people who get their morning dose of sunshine have a lower BMI, and it's not just because they sleep better. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go outside for a moment... Side effects; Looking better at the beach (I hate it when that happens.)
It Can Fight the Winter Blues
If you're someone who suffers from depression during the cold winter months, you're not the only one. Many people have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and the best way to fight it is with some natural light. Of course, you can go to Home Depot and pick up some of those bulbs that mimic daylight. Or you could take the more cost-effective route and just step outside for a few minutes. Side effects: Strange looks from neighbors who suspect you're crazy when you start absentmindedly singing "Mr. Sun" or "Your Are My Sunshine."
It Can Make You More Fertile
You're more likely to conceive in the summertime because the sun suppresses the hormone melatonin, which contributes to infertility. The sun also boosts testosterone in men, and I'm guessing being scantily clad doesn't hurt the whole baby-making plan. Plus, studies show that women who spend less than an hour in the sun per week can experience premature menopause. Side effects: Go babysit a friend's kids for a few hours and you'll figure out the side effects really quickly.
It Could Keep You Healthier in Ways That Could Surprise You
We know vitamin D makes your bones stronger, but did you know that can translate to better tooth health? A study in the UK found that kids from areas with more sunlight had less cavities than those from areas with less sunlight. Some are beginning to suspect it can also help prevent MS as countries with less sunlight have more incidences of MS than those with more, and children who are exposed to sunlight tend to have less chance of developing MS later in life. Sunlight can also help stave off diabetes, heart disease, breast and prostate cancers, and more. Side effects: .... I got nothin'
*Of course be responsible and wear sunscreen if you're going to be outside for longer than 15 minutes to prevent skin cancer.
*Of course be responsible and wear sunscreen if you're going to be outside for longer than 15 minutes to prevent skin cancer.